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Differences Between Penis And Clitoris

I thought in this article I would start by comparing and contrasting the erogenous areas of the male and female body, their functions and arousal especially by Tantric massage which done well can heighten and intensify pleasure to the recipient.
The two main sex organs for arousal are the male penis and the female clitoris which contain the same tissue structure albeit the penis is very much larger, is external to the body, points forwards when erect and includes the urethra whereas the clitoris is much smaller, much of it is within the body, points backwards when erect and does not contain the urethra.

A Few Facts

The average male penis is about four inches long (10cm) and about one and a quarter inches in circumference (3.2cm) and when erect swells to five to six inches long (12cm to 15cm) and three to three and half inches in circumference (7.4 to 8.6cm). The glans has some 4000 nerve ending.

The average clitoris is about a fifth of an inch long (0.5cm) and a tenth of an inch in circumference (0.25cm) and can double in size when aroused. The glans has about 8000 nerve endings.

Needless to say these are very much average figures. Quite often a man with a small penis can have a much bigger erection than a man with a large penis and the majority of women say that it is technique not size that matters. Likewise the female clitoris ranges in size from near invisible to quite recognizable and a lot of men don’t know how to stimulate it even if perchance they know where to feel for it!

Thus the penis is twenty times the size of the clitoris yet has twice the nerve endings so by surface area is a hundred times more sensitive, albeit much harder to find particularly if it is hidden beneath the clitoral hood. The clitoris is the only organ in the female body whose purpose is solely for pleasure and has no reproductive function.

The techniques for stimulating blood flow into both organs is very similar yet much more care needs to be taken with the clitoris due to its heightened sensitivity and excessive stroking can actual cause irritation rather than pleasure. The other problem in some women is the clitoral hood which is there to protect the clitoris but can in fact cover the clitoris and make it very hard to find particularly if it is small and sometimes the clitoral hood will swell down over the clitoris during stimulation.

A trained Tantric masseur or masseuse is skilled in massaging these organs (as well as the other erogenous zones of the body) and through the sensitivity of her hands adapt both the stroking techniques and pressures to gradually stimulate the penis or clitoris to achieve (but not always orgasm) and though much harder to achieve the female orgasm(which usually comprises between 3 and 15 contractions and can last from 10 to 30 seconds) can be twice as long and twice as intense as the male orgasm.

The other big difference between the penis and clitoris is that once orgasm is achieved the male erectile tissue collapses quickly whereas the clitoris can stay engorged for an hour or more after stimulation which is why some women can feel uncomfortable after sex.

What I feel is sad about society is that much emphasis and help is available for male sexual dysfunction than for women and many woman go through their lives never having had an orgasm, not because they are celibate but because stimulation of the clitoris has been a non-event. Maybe men are less inhibited about talking to their doctor than women, though may be the balance will shift as more doctors are now women.

As I said it is all about technique and whilst men or their female partners know how to bring a male to orgasm the same is not the case for females and more often woman are much better at stimulating themselves or being stimulated by other women rather than their male partner. The important thing is to take the time to gently explore each other’s sexuality and sensitivity which will lead to a much better understanding of how to properly handle these erogenous parts of the body.